

Dysautonomia is a simplified way to describe conditions which have a negative effect on brain regions responsible for the bodily control of autonomic functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, digestion, pain control, sweating, and temperature control. When dysautonomia is present, often, people may feel faint upon standing or changing position, lightheaded, or dizzy. Commonly noted is extreme fatigue, shortness of breath or headaches/migraines, heart rate and blood pressure changes or visual disturbances. 

There are many different causes associated with dysautonomia and our clinicians are experienced in the evaluation and treatment of this disorder.

Office Hours
Monday: 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM
Tuesday: 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM
Thursday: 8:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
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