A concussion is one form of brain injury which causes transient or sudden alteration in brain function. The rapid movement causes brain tissue to change shape, which can stretch and damage brain cells.
This damage can cause chemical and metabolic changes within the brain cells, making it difficult for cells to function and communicate. When the brain is shaken violently enough, brain cells are damaged to the point where they don’t work properly.
The CDC estimates that approximately 3.8 million concussion occur in the U.S. annually through sports and recreational activities. The effects of a concussion cannot be seen on any medical tests such as an MRI or CT-scan. This is why identifying brain biomarkers is paramount to properly diagnosing and monitoring concussions.
A concussion is more than a static brain injury. Rather concussions should be viewed as a disease process which can lead to various symptoms throughout the body, which may be seemingly unrelated.
Did you know, a concussion can lead to gastrointestinal issues such as poor digestion or constipation? Brain injury can increase intestinal permeability allowing inflammatory markers to enter our bloodstream
Here at NeuroLink we address the body as a whole which allows us to help manage and rehabilitate concussions.
The most common post-injury symptoms of a concussion are:
Often, we may experience these symptoms and believe they are not related to a concussion we may have suffered. On average 1.6-3.8 million sports related mild-concussions occur each year with about 20% of those who experience them continue to have symptoms after 3 weeks of their injury. Proper integrated examination and treatment could prove invaluable to returning to play or retaining your quality of life.
Please contact us to determine how we can properly help you.